
Joel Bruce WallachSoul Healing Energy Consultations

Joel Bruce Wallach

Have you noticed how the planet is evolving ever more quickly, and the planetary frequency feels as if it is speeding up? You can also sense that something else is happening — everything is becoming more refined and heightened in an unusual way. You can sense that something is happening within yourself, and you can see and feel that this shift is manifesting in many ways all over the planet. Naturally, you would prefer to have as smooth and pleasant an experience as possible. You would prefer to be in the flow, rather than bumping along.

I’ve been exploring these questions for much of my life, and would like to let my discoveries help you to have a more empowered view of reality that helps you remain integrated, while having the deeper insights that are available to all of us.

What is your true identity? 

Are you merely a material being, who supposedly has soul floating around you? Or are you something more? I believe that you are a multi-dimensional cosmic being, expressing through your human body on this earth plane. Your essential nature – your divine soul – is already deeply connected with the universe, because your soul is made out of the same divine substance that the universe is made from. The cosmic spark of consciousness that shines forth from within you is made from the same divine intelligence that created the universe.

I’m Joel Bruce Wallach, and I welcome you to Cosmic Living for spiritual empowerment. I am honored and delighted to share effective step-by-step methods with you that will gently help you remember your true self. Even in any circumstance, there is room for you to express your higher potential with ease and grace. Our goal is to access real, centered cosmic awareness, with clarity of mind, stability of emotions, integrated with stable body presence.

For thirty years I was honored to empower my clients with sessions featuring the kind of aura balancing I had developed, called soul-healing sessions. It was amazing and fulfilling, but over the decades, I felt that a deeper level of empowerment could be shared. With the spiritual awakening on the planet, more is at stake now. We are all ready to step into our deeper empowerment as conscious spiritual beings.

So the question for me was how, if I did energy balancing to help people shift their stuck energy patterns, my unique skills could be more effectively shared. I always included teaching of awareness practices as part of that work, but many people thought that the main feature of the session was the energy balancing that I was doing for them. Admittedly, receiving energy balancing is relaxing and pleasurable, and provides a feeling of spiritual elation.

So why is a relaxing and spiritually pleasing experience a limitation?

I realized that I was following a therapeutic model that I had picked up from certain formative influences. When I was starting to do energy balancing, I was influenced by the model of hypnotherapy, which I had studied for a time. In that work, the client was extremely relaxed. Of course, relaxation can be a good thing, but I had somehow incorporated the idea that deep relaxation was a necessary element in a soul healing session.

I was also influenced by the model of massage, in which the client is deeply relaxed and receiving the treatment of the massage practitioner. I somehow incorporated what I experienced from massage sessions myself, and took that idea that the practitioner is doing work for the client while the client is deeply relaxed. In the context of a massage session, that works well. However, I began to question whether I had taken these patterns favoring relaxation too deeply into the soul healing work.

An empowered model of transformation

What if the practitioner was an instructor-consultant, rather than a healer providing a treatment? That realization took some time to emerge in my understanding. I asked the question, How could I teach people to do the energy balancing that I seemed to do in my unique way? And how to do it without my actually adjusting their aura myself?

After many months, the answer came when I deeply explored the possibilities for the aura and frequency charts that I’d developed. I was delighted to discover that there was a method to what I had assumed was my entirely intuitive way of working with energy. It became evident to me that I could de-code everything that I was doing, using the aura charts, and guiding people to place their attention in specific ways that would replicate what I was able to do.

Expressing the inexpressible

The aura charts, and the ways of working with them, are an externalized expression of what had been my unique internal approach to working with energy and consciousness.

This means that a private consultation is a customized, guided instruction session. You also have the option of exploring your empowerment process with the recorded audio trainings, because you’ll discover that you’re more skilled at working with energy and patterns than you had believed possible. When you’ve explored these, and if  you feel you need more specific work, then the private consultations are appropriate. Or, as many prefer, you can start with the private consultations.

The model I now use for private consultations is based on your being fully present and active in your own inner transformation, and actually doing the work yourself. Sound challenging? Actually, when you’re being guided in real time, and you know what steps to take, the methods are quite doable. The wonderful shift is that you can take credit for treating yourself, rather than passively letting someone do the balancing for you.

I’m eager to share the spiritual discoveries that resulted from those decades of developing the soul-healing work. This emerging age of spiritual empowerment asks that all of us step into our deeper power. You can sense the planetary shift. The universe is asking you to wake up spiritually — like moving from your spiritual adolescence to your spiritual adulthood. The age of giving your power away to experts is past. You are ready to learn how spiritually capable you are.

Here are some essential resources at Cosmic Living to help you access your higher potential right now:

– Discover transformational tips from Joel that guide you through the thicket of spiritual concerns at the Cosmic Living Blog.

– To see spiritual answers to modern questions, please click on the Modern Issues for insights and solutions about questions that you may have been asking about energy shifts on the planet.

– Click on Articles to get started with self-empowerment practices that are in an easy step-by-step format.

– Awaken your spiritual healing and awareness skills with the mp3 audio trainings.

– Read about customized private consultations here: private consultations.

More about Joel’s lifelong explorations:

I started exploring consciousness, yoga, well-being, human potential, and creativity from my mid-teen years. These discoveries felt familiar, as if I had been making these discoveries for many lifetimes. In 1981, when I started offering guided meditations, I also embarked upon an inner experience over the next several years where I would tune into the human aura, and imagine communicating with the aura.

Aura - ChakrasBy 1985, I switched from offering guided meditations to the form of spiritual transformation work I had developed, called Soul Healing Energy Work, which included aura and chakra transforming, pre-natal clearing, pattern clearing from the present lifetime, past life re-patterning, and body-soul integration.

That work has evolved in an empowering direction since 2011. Rather than a treatment that you receive, it is customized guided instruction for your particular issues that you’re working with. The soul-healing consultations are now a private training for you, so that you can develop the skills to shift your own patterns at every level.

Beginning in 1990, I began development of the Powerforms subtle-energy tools. My intention was to create portable energy tools that would let the user really feel and utilize universal energy more easily. Thousands of people have utilized the Powerforms energy tools to clear their energy blocks, access higher vibrations, and become spiritually aware. The Powerforms are still available from many metaphysical distributors, and I still enjoy creating upgrades of previous models, and inventing new Powerforms products.

I have always had an interesting push-pull attitude about energy tools, though. Although I have developed them, I also want you to know that although energy tools can assist you in your spiritual work, you must not regard energy tools as the ultimate source, because only the divine is the ultimate source. I believe that you can get genuine benefit from Powerforms, especially if you remember that they are helping you to become more conscious of your infinite cosmic self. The tools themselves are not the goal — higher consciousness and spiritual empowerment are the goals.

In the early 1990’s I recognized that one branch of my creative focus was going in the direction of spiritual healing music. I also felt that much of the new age music available was stereotypical and overly simplistic. Since music itself can be healing and consciousness expanding, it is not necessary to make it overly simple and naive for it to be considered as spiritual. And so, although I create the music with healing in mind, I am not trying to make it sound like stereotypical new age music. The music is influenced by the style associated with the late 19th century romantics, such as Chopin, Satie, Faure, Granados, and Debussy, but with a feeling and intention woven into the music that can help create deeper consciousness and spiritual well-being.

I invite you to listen to my healing music on Spotify. You can join at no charge. Just put my full name, Joel Bruce Wallach, into their search engine, and enjoy.

8170_SandstoneRiver_AutumnRiverVista_smallfileAlthough I’ve been creating positive energy art for much of my life, I’ve been particularly inspired to do so since our move to Colorado in 2014. The radiant energy here, and the beauty all around has stimulated a wellspring of creative flow. I invite you to experience this healing art, and bring it into your life to raise the vibration of your environment. You can experience the inspiring and healing energies of my transformational fine art here.

Whether I’m creating healing techniques, inventing Powerforms healing plates, creating healing art, composing spiritual music, or writing about consciousness, it’s all coming from the same place. These creations are all expressions of the same divine impulse. They are all petals of the same vast cosmic flower. Everything I am honored to share with you is a catalyst that helps you activate your own infinite self.

May your cosmic essence shine forth, so that your bright presence can bring you and everyone in your life greater fulfillment and delight, and so ignite higher potential for everyone in the universe.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living teachings for spiritual empowerment

28 Responses to About

  1. jeanne long says:

    Joel Bruce Wallach,,,Ihave lost my activator disk for my personal life-force enhancemet tool forbody , aura & chakras after several moves have the 1996 guide …is it possible to get the disk that goes with the guide? Looking forward to a reply. ,,thnk you… Jeanne

    • Hi Jeanne,

      Delighted to hear that you’re still working with the Activator Disk. It has been through many upgrades since 1996. Now it’s called the Soul Activator Disk, and you can get this latest Activator version on Amazon. It does all that your disk can do, and more.

      In 1996 the disk was made with two layers of copper circuitry, and now it has four layers, so it works even more effectively. It comes with a new booklet with new finger positions for accessing deeper states of consciousness: https://www.amazon.com/Expand-Magnetize-Depression-Sadness-Support/dp/B0725KP56V


      • Rebecca says:

        Hi Bruce,
        When I use the Neutral Space Plate, it brings me amazing experiences! I worked with the disk for about three days after I took it home but nothing happened to me. On the fourth day of midnight, something happened and shocked me. It opened my third eye by accident and I saw the reflection of the whole pattern of the disc in the dark when I was lying in my bed. It was like seeing a movie that the pattern of the disk was projected in the air and shining in green light. After that, I can always see the reflection of different patterns in the air (around my third eye)when I am doing meditation. I own the whole set of the disks and this Neutral Space Plate gives me the most strongest of feelings. Like you said, you can hear, feel and “see” the disc works, I guess I can as well.

        • Rebecca,

          I’m delighted to hear about your consciousness awakening experiences!

          You may also wish to cleanse the back of the third eye, which is located at the back of the head in the occipital area of the head. Look it up to see exactly where it is. Here’s how to do that: Lie on your back, with the plate under the back of your head. Place a folded blanket between your head and the plate for comfort.

          Another cleansing technique: Hold the plate in one hand, and gently fan your forehead, with the intention to dissolve any energy blocks. You can do this for all your energy centers as well.

          Do explore all the information and videos on the Powerforms Healing Site:


  2. Robert Grealis, Jr says:


    Is there any kind of powerform or other technique for dogs? My pup who i just rescued in July loves me and other people, especially babies, but wants to fight almost every dog she comes across. I thought maybe a powerform would help clear her anger but obviously she doesn’t have fingers. Is there something that she could wear around her neck or on her body?

    • Robert,

      You can use the Powerforms to sweep through your dog’s nervous system, to smooth out the accumulated tensions, and to heal your dog’s energy field. Hold one of the Powerforms in your hand, and sweep gently, slowly, and mindfully, starting at your dog’s head or spine, and sweeping down the limbs, and out the paws. You could use any of the Powerforms plates for this.

      Although your dog can’t do the finger positions, that’s ok. A stabilizing Powerform plate for this situation is the Neutral Space Plate. You can put it under a blanket where your dog rests, and it will work fine.

      Also, you could use the smallest disk, the Serenity Star pendant, on your dog’s collar.

  3. Rhonda says:

    Hello, I am just finding these Powerforms (in Amazon, Art of Placement) and reading with great interest. I’m wondering is there information in Kindle book format or only hardcopies? Starting with just one disk, do you start with an activator disk or the one that resonates with you when you read the description?

    • Rhonda,

      Thank you for asking. Each disk comes with its own printed booklet.

      I like your idea to start with the disk that resonates with you. As you work with the Powerforms, you will discover insights about many things, including which disk you would like to explore next.

  4. Jesse says:

    Hi Joel

    Could you tell me which disk will work best for inner child healing?
    And need to know how to use it?
    Please let me know when you have a time.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

    • Jesse,

      The blue Galaxy Heart Disk has the softest, most gentle energy of the collection, and it comes with an instruction book.

      You can sit with the disk in your hands or placed on your body, and have healing/counseling conversations with your inner child, and the disk will help sooth and heal.

  5. Dear Joel,

    thank You for Your fast answer.

    blessings from the heart

  6. Dear Bruce,

    thank you so much for your amazing work. Are the power form energy tools/ Plates also available in Germany or Europe? Thanks for your answer.

    Kind regards

  7. Tim Harper says:

    Hi Joel

    I hope you are well and enjoying the changing of seasons. Things are turning around her in Portland and I want to know about brain supplements and brands you recomend. I am going to start taking a supplement called Host defense Myco botanicals Brain. It has lion’s Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps & the Botancials are Bapcopa, Gotu Kola and Giko. Would you add or delete from this list?
    Thanks again for all your help.
    Kind regards

    • Hi Tim,

      Glad to hear things are on the upswing in Portland. That’s excellent!

      Your mushroom blend sounds great.

      For brain supplements that also calm the nerves, I like Lecithin (get non-GMO); take a few tablespoons daily.

      Also, I like Phosphatidylserine, which rebuilds the brain connections. Take 200 mg daily.

      To calm the nerves and rebuild the body, take gelatin daily. (not Jello brand, though).

      Please contact in future via my email, [email protected]

      Warm blessings,

  8. Jesse says:

    I have a question for you.
    I am professional homeopath in US and want to send homeopathic remedy energy to old sick dog who is living in different country. Through the amaging experiences of disk, I thought your disc will work for Long-distance healing or energy transfer. I have a super cell balancer, neutral space plate and activator disc right now. If it works, please let me know how can I use disk for long-distance energy work. Which disk is best for use? Thank you and have a nice day!

    • Jesse,

      Though any of the disks would work for this purpose, I’d use the super cell balancer to help your dog.

      – Place the balancer plate in a neutral, quiet part of the house.

      – Use a witness for your dog, to be placed on the plate. This could be a small photo, a bit of the dog’s hair, or even just a written description on a small piece of paper, such as “my beloved dog (name of dog here)”

      – Write on a small piece of paper the desired outcome, such as, “(name of dog) breathes easily and comfortably”. If any other intentions are needed, you can write them as well. It can be useful to include intentions that this work takes place in alignment with the highest spiritual consciousness.

      – If there is a vibrational remedy, whether herbal or homeopathic, that is applicable to the dog’s condition, you can place the remedy on the plate also.

      – Use your intuition, or a pendulum, as to the length of time that the vibrational remedy is needed.

      A general suggestion is to hope for the best, but don’t be attached to the outcome, so that the divine flow, whatever it leads to, can occur with grace and ease.

      • Jesse says:

        Hello Joel.
        Thank you very much for your quick reply. I was impressed by how disk has limitless possibilities! I foster animals for a rescue organization and disk heals them both physically and mentally many times. Please please please consider to create a disk for animals that they can wear. Thank you very much for your talent and hosopitality. Have a nice day!!

  9. Jac Li says:

    Hello Bruce,

    I have a high interest on your Powerform plates. Is artofplacement.com your official site for selling these plates? I want to make sure I buy them at the right place…as I found some stores online carry the old version. Also, I am afraid there could be fake versions.



    • Hi Jac,

      Art Of Placement is my USA distributor for Powerforms.

      Thank you for helping create heaven on earth!


      • Jac Li says:

        Hello Joel,

        Thank you for your reply. I was surprised to see that the header is Feng Shui in Art of Placement, so that’s why I want to confirm.

        As long as they are your reliable distributor, I will start looking into the site! Currently, I am listening to your music on Itune.



  10. Hallo,
    I have a question,and that is
    Where can i buy the Stabilizer Pyramid?
    Thanks for your help

  11. susan says:

    Hello (‘Whole be thou’) J.B.W!
    May I ask you, did you – early on, have a sense of the (source) from which we came? It is what I was hoping to read about, in this ‘About’ tab, about your most formative years – childhood, teen years…
    You took me back, to the depth of imagination a child mind can create, playing in the sand, scooting around a maze of a trees and bush, following reading the first page that opened on (this) computer screen/ after selecting a suggested link to the search words: cosmic energy healing. It was your site’s “How do I practice self healing”. .(.’all this can be accomplished by imagining and intending’..) that struck me beautifully!
    I feel very (humbled) by the content of cosmic-living website. It (feels) supportive, to read you, here today.
    Is there any need, to know, to what ends, why we are here? I am admitting that I am not that comfortable still, with that question, but I may be beginning to understand that we are here to free each other? Will we exist as physical beings, after this occurs? I am sorry it is a very elementary question. I ask, this with less and less trepidation now, and with, more peace and happiness.
    Many blessing to you Joel, I wish you are very well. (susan n.)

    • Hi Susan,

      As a child, I didn’t have a sense of cosmic source, but only a sense of being able to create via story, art, and music. Teen years were characterized by beginning explorations into psychology, metaphysics, and yoga.

      As to why we’re here, it’s to discover, each day, the experience of being a soul within a body, and a body within a soul. It is to find what you’re fascinated by, and to bring that fascination, as much as possible, into each moment, whether it be seemingly mundane earthly activities, or seemingly profound cosmic ones.

      As you evolve through the lifetimes, you’ll keep discovering your ever-deeper layers of infinite self. You don’t need to understand it all now; just discover how much you can be present and grounded in each moment.

      To help make your discoveries and realizations flow more easily: https://cosmic-living.com/bundled-audio-training-mp3-sets/

  12. Linda Reynolds says:

    Hello Joel…
    I met you years ago up in Marrieta and bought your “balancer,”
    I now see that you have added many more tools.
    I actually have two of them and they have been sitting under windows for many years
    and one side of each looks new while the other side is rusted looking and corroded.
    I’m wondering if they can be cleaned with a copper cleanser?
    I also would like to know if they are still good and good for what?
    Thanks for your help,
    Linda Reynolds

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