Tag Archives: divine

How to balance your energy after receiving this experimental substance

Joel Bruce Wallach Could the energetic distortions from this new type of “wonder med”  limit your well-being: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? Through energy sensing, I’ve detected that the new “wonder meds” that you are being pressured to take can … Continue reading

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Finding Your Own Spiritual Aura

Your aura, or energy field, reflects your state of consciousness from moment to moment, because it is always dynamically shifting in wonderfully subtle ways. Your aura is also an expression of all your experiences throughout your lifetimes. The qualities of … Continue reading

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3 Ways To Improve Your Karma

What does it mean when people say that they have bad karma? Actually, karma refers to the patterns that you’ve created over your many lifetimes. So the karmic patterns aren’t punishment at all. The universe isn’t trying to make you … Continue reading

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How Do You Contact Your Soul?

There is a reason why you yearn to contact your soul. To understand why, you need to explore what happened when you were born. When you incarnated in this lifetime at birth, your soul stepped into your body. At least, … Continue reading

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Why is heaven above you, and how do you get there?

When you think of heaven, you probably look upwards. You may have assumed, as many do, that heaven must be up beyond the skies. But is this tendency merely a habit that you have learned from society, or could it … Continue reading

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Are some people truly evil? Part 2

In part 1 of this article, you learned how everyone is evolving spiritually over the course of many lifetimes, and how the younger soul is still learning the basics of free will, though sometimes in a crude way.  There is … Continue reading

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Are some people truly evil? Part 1

This should be a simple question to answer, because it seems to be a yes or no question. However, it’s not simple at all, because people aren’t material objects that you can put in a simple category. People are richly … Continue reading

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Is marijuana OK from a spiritual point of view?

No, it’s not the magical doorway to cosmic consciousness that many hope for. Now it’s possible that you didn’t want to hear that brief and definite answer. However, this negative response is not a vague bias. There are specific adverse … Continue reading

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How can you transcend being labeled — when you live in a physical body?

You live in a physical body, and that is a fact. People will see you in a particular way, based on your gender, race, height and weight, age, and many other aspects that seem to describe your physical self. It’s … Continue reading

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If your positive intention determines your well-being, then why do you need healthy food?

Have you ever wondered why positive intention doesn’t replace the need for healthy food? There are those who insist that they do not wish to be restricted by health food beliefs and practices. They say that it is only necessary … Continue reading

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