How can you find your true center…

…and what will you discover there?

Where is your true center located? It seems like a simple question, except that different cultures locate your center in various places in the body. For Taoists, it is in the navel or lower abdominal area. For Christian and Sufi mystics, it is in the heart. Ancient yoga teachings in India may emphasize that keeping your focus in your third eye will keep you centered. Although these teachings all express the concern that if you place your center in the location other than where they suggest, you will become unbalanced, don’t worry. There is a principle that will unite all these teachings into one…

Your true center is within the vertical column of divine presence, also known as your central channel. You could think of it as your spiritual spine. Before you existed in this body, your soul’s energy body existed. And beyond this lifetime, your soul’s energy body will continue to live. This means that when you feel into your vertical column of divine presence, you touch the living eternity that is your essential nature. This begins to give you a hint about the location of your true center.

Now does this mean that your central energy channel is itself your true center? Although the central channel is where you look for your center, the central channel is not itself the true center. This is because your center is not actually a place at all. Your center is better understood as a process — a way of placing your attention within. Although you might read metaphysical books that endlessly describe spiritual matters, if you want to have an actual experience with your true center, this involves gently placing your attention, and letting yourself become familiar with your inner essence that you gradually discover there.

Although your central energy channel is not your physical body, your subtle body is in the same location as your physical body. Perhaps you are wondering how your subtle energy body could be in the same location as your physical body. Wouldn’t one body displace the other? Actually, your subtle energy body co-exists with your physical body, because each is on a different frequency, or vibration. The subtle body is lighter in density, and easily co-exists with the same space as the physical body.

So the key is to place your attention in your central energy channel, which is located in the spine. It extends up into the head — and above the head. And your central channel extends down below the feet, as well. However, your awareness goes deeper than the physical spine, and this is the secret to inner awareness.

But what could be deeper than the spine? The deeper dimension of your central energy channel is infinitely vast. And as this topic is difficult to describe, it is often left out of teachings. But when you understand what to do, you can have your own valid mystical experience.

So how do you access a vast dimension, accessed within your central channel? You place your attention there, you quiet your inner dialog, and you gently imagine that your attention is going deeper. At first, it seems that you are accessing a space of darkness or nothingness. That is just the surface of your experience. Gently bring your attention deeper. This is how you discover the inner vastness. You go deeper, and then deeper again. And this may bring up several questions…

1. If you go deep, will you become unaware of the physical plane, or become somehow ungrounded?

This is a sensible question, because your spiritual journey is only of value if you are safely integrated. And so you maintain awareness of your physical body, in present time, while doing your spiritual explorations. But, you may wonder, what about those teachings that suggest that you should be “one pointed” in your spiritual focus?

Such teachings risk ungroundness, because they emphasize the intensity produced by one-pointed attention. Do not risk overload — stay integrated with your body in present time. Recognize that you can be appropriately focused in your inner energy experience, while also being appropriately stabilized in your physical body.

2. If you go deeper, how do you know just how deep to go?

This is something you discover yourself, through your safely grounded inner explorations. In general, you go deeper into the depth of your inner light one step at a time. You maintain awareness of your body in present time. You do not space out, you do not leave your body, and you continue to have mindful awareness of your basic processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and awareness of your surroundings. It is better to have a high quality grounded experience, than an intense ungrounded experience.

3. Is there a final deep place within where you can discover your deepest truth?

The deeper you go within your heart, within your mind, and within your abdomen, the deeper the level of truth that you can access. The depth is more important than the location — rather than the currently popular teaching that the heart automatically holds the deepest truth. The secret to discovering your truth involves your going deeper, because unless you do this, you are only at the surface of the heart, and that is as unsteady as the surface of the mind.

But as to the question of a final deep place of ultimate truth, there is no one place or one level within you that is a deepest place of truth. But relax, because you can definitely find useful insights about your deeper truth at every inner level of your being. As you discover each aspect of the truth, at every inner level you explore, you can gradually feel more and more in touch with meaningful truth that can serve your highest good. When you realize that each deeper level of inner discovery brings you spiritually valid and empowering realizations, this replaces the old idea of one final ultimate truth.

Of course, your recognition that your inner discovery goes ever deeper, and never ends, can be somewhat overwhelming at first, because your logical mind may have convinced you that you would someday find an ultimate place, or have an ultimate experience. Such ideas are comforting notions to the logical mind, because then it still feels in control of your spiritual process. When you discover that your enlightenment is ever evolving, then you may need to let go of some false comforts and inappropriate limits that your logical mind has been indulging in.

If you let go of the notion of a final state of enlightenment, then you would also have to let go of the idea that there are certain people who are enlightened. After all, if enlightenment is not a thing, but rather an ever-evolving process, then you can only say that someone is very accomplished within an ever-infinite spectrum of awareness. However, it wouldn’t be correct to claim that a person has attained a final status of enlightenment. At best, they are simply more experienced in states of subtle awareness than you may be.

You will, of course, meet people, and read books, each claiming that a particular person they believe in is definitely enlightened, and the appropriate response to this claim is to politely agree. This is because those who insist on final states of spiritual perfection are less inclined to make their own spiritual discoveries. And so, you can allow people to believe what they believe, because that is what their soul is ready for at this time. Many people have not experienced the deeper levels of their own essence, and so they get their information from sources that are created to bring structured — although, limited — understanding to the spiritual experience.

This is why it is more convenient for many people to believe in such a thing as special enlightened masters. To believe in such a thing frees them from having to do the inner work of discovering their own inner infinite levels of spiritual depth. And it pleases their logical minds, so that they need never experience the potentially overwhelming sense of awe that their own infinite depth would inspire.

It is not a loss, though, that many souls are not ready to do the inner spiritual exploration themselves, because souls are ready for their own spiritual awakenings only when they are ready to resonate with that vibration. Deeper truth is a higher vibration, and souls are only gradually able to progress through their incarnations, so that when they are ready, they can resonate with the deeper realizations.

And so your vast inner cosmic self invites you within. But how do you communicate with such vastness? This is the wonderful thing, because as vast as your consciousness is, it is also kind and wise. And so when you speak with your inner infinite realm, just place your attention there, breathe, relax into it, and let yourself feel that experience. Let yourself speak, if you like, and ask the simplest questions.

Did you expect your soul to thunder at you, as if it were on a throne throwing lightening bolts? Infinite wisdom lets your soul speak as simply to you as you need. And so you can prepare to be amazed, not by something overwhelming, but by something so simple that you can actually experience it with ease and grace.

Suppose you have your inner experiences, and you wish to speak about them? Ask yourself, how would you describe, in a definite way that the logical mind would understand, these mystical and infinitely layered processes of spiritual reality…

— a process of enlightenment that has no end…

— a cosmic reality that reflects the infinite divine consciousness, and yet is within you, speaking simply to you…

— an inner world that is even more vast than the outer universe, shining within your own being…

— a spiritual center, located deeper than the doorway of your body, yet transcending the boundaries of your body?

Actually, there is little to say about any of these things, because it is only through your own willingness to experience your inner vast self that you can make the discoveries. It is a curious thing that although you will have the knowingness that your experience brings you, when you attempt to describe it, you may find that your words will only have meaning to those equally willing to make the essential inner journey themselves.

And this is the situation with mystics. Their words are misinterpreted by those who are themselves unwilling to have the experiences, even though such experiences can be fairly simple to attain. So, by all means, explore your true center. But if you start talking about your experiences, don’t let naïve people form a religion around you, and don’t indulge in a special attitude.

Although your inner experiences are very meaningful, such experiences are attainable by anyone willing to have them. And each person, though their experience will have something in common with other people’s experience, will have their own entirely unique experience. That’s important, because it means that your insights — and their insights — may all be important, but all these experiences are not the ultimate truth.

These realizations bring you to the eternal paradox of mystical experiences. You can’t have someone else’s experience, and they can’t have yours. You can talk about it, and you can meditate with people and share on a subtle non-verbal level, but ultimately, they are having their experience with universal truth, and you are having yours.

That’s ok, though, because when you access your inner truth, and other people access their own inner truth, the synergy of these awakened experiences creates a mutually uplifting resonance. This spiritually awakened subtle harmony gently cultivates higher consciousness on the planet.

Now you know that your true center is within, and that you can experience it layer by layer. You recognize that the only way to get there is to have your own mindful experience, and so you are free to make your spiritual discoveries.

May you have your realizations with ease and grace, and may each moment within your true center lead you to the next, even deeper moment of subtle recognition. And may you find that your ever-deeper center reveals the next layer of the truth to you, in the appropriate way, with every breath you take.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living teleclasses and mp3’s

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Why does inner tension exist…

…even though you intend to be calm?

Can you fake your way through consciousness development? If it were that easy, anyone appearing to be calm and centered would actually be just that. It’s not so easy, though, because when you explore consciousness, you do so by actually practicing awareness from moment to moment. And that means that you become more aware. You can guess where that leads… you become more conscious of the feelings, thoughts, and sensations within you — the entire range of them.

And yet, those who seek to look spiritual often mean well, because they really do want to be calm and centered. However, they agonize because they believe that something is keeping them from attaining their goal. The paradox is that your choice to become more aware lets you know the truth. The truth is that life is a range of vibrations, and your recognition and acceptance of this lets you settle into your natural self.

Your natural self includes the broad range of your Being, from enlightened sage, to critical observer and thinker, to naive child, and everything in-between. These are all genuine aspects of you. To make one more real than another is unfair to your broad-spectrum multifaceted self.

You are ever-evolving, and you discover new levels of your inner self each day. That means that even as you are accessing your higher potential, your awareness also reveals deeper tensions and issues. When you accept this, you approach a calmer state. Not because you are free of tension, but because you are relaxing into your tension by gently including it in your consciousness.

The paradox of relaxing into your tension is that the so-called tension energy makes a gentle shift, as if by magic. The reason it changes is because you have let go of judgment and resistance. Embracing tension seems like a too-simple solution, and it may seem, at first glance, as if you are celebrating tension. Not so, because you are bringing it to your consciousness, and your consciousness has the amazing powers often attributed to saints and angels.

Your consciousness, also called your awareness, is your essential nature. Awareness is what your soul does. Even more, consciousness may well be what your soul actually is… Pure consciousness. And so your awareness is a mysterious, and yet truly powerful thing. And this begins to explain why utilizing your consciousness helps shift tension. Note that it doesn’t entirely banish tension… that is the naïve dream of those who merely want the appearance of calmness.

When your awareness interacts with tension in a non-judgmental way, the constricted tension patterns begin to mingle with the cosmic presence of your consciousness. When you first practice this, your judgment will pop to the surface, and announce that the process is not working. And that is why many modern people prefer the simplistic methods of positive thinking. After all, if all you need to do is think positively, then you don’t have to bother with pesky emotions and thoughts. You just disregard them, and think positive thoughts instead. If only consciousness development were so simple…

Why are some of the most desperate people those who are trying to develop their consciousness by only thinking positive thoughts? Though well intentioned, they are attempting to deny the real power of consciousness. Awareness is aware. Consciousness is conscious. Your perception perceives. To deny this is to deny your essential conscious nature. And so, when you deny the presence of your emotions, thoughts, and sensations, you create resistance.

But if you bring your attention to tension, won’t you get lost in it? This is the fear that leads people into escapist positive thinking practices. The logic of positive thinking is rather appealing, because this doctrine claims that you should give more energy to positive thoughts, and less energy to negative thoughts. Unfortunately, that is rather like choosing not to notice the moldy smell of decaying food in the kitchen. It becomes more and more difficult to enjoy the bouquet of roses when the stink of moldy cheese becomes stronger and stronger.

Consciousness, being divine and infinite, is more capable than the would-be positive thinkers realize. Your consciousness is the same material as the universe itself. It is that vast, it is that loving and wise, and it is that infinite. When you consider your tensions, you are not getting lost in them. It is very much the opposite case, because you are inviting your tensions to exist within the vastness of your essential self — your pure consciousness. This lets the tension release from its constricted condition, so that it begins to unite with the vaster world of consciousness.

You have more choice with your consciousness than you had realized was possible. This is why there is such a fear of tensions. The tensions are noisy and dramatic, but they are, so to speak, on a small theatre stage. Tensions live their dramas on this little inner stage, and they have persuaded you to be an audience member. However, if you deny them, they just yell and gesture more intensely. So how do you work with them, if you don’t avoid their little noisy inner theatre, and if you don’t want to be an audience member either?

You are the writer and producer of this little inner tension drama, but until you acknowledge this, you might have thought that you were merely an audience member. You are in charge of the stage lighting. You can turn up the lights on the dark little stage, and change the scenery. Most important, you can bring in the influences of your conscious self.

Your conscious self is made of the same material as the divine universe itself… pure awareness. So your conscious self can choose to expand the little inner theatre so that it is amongst the stars in the sky. Your conscious self can help the energies of the cosmos flow through the little inner theatre. And what do you suppose the inner tensions, with their little dramas, are going to do? They change, in spite of themselves, and they slowly but surely take on the character of your true self — your conscious self.

Your inner tensions are not trying to bother you. They are not trying to make your life bad. They are only repeating old patterns, and when you gently shift those patterns, the tension becomes more fluid and less constricted. This is because the tense energies weren’t stuck and limited to begin with. They have only become tense through losing their way — losing their connection with the greater universe.

If you choose to put your tensions in an expansive environment, they gradually become less tense. This is the fascinating paradox of energy and awareness, because whatever you supposed your tensions were, they aren’t really that. They aren’t really anything in particular, because originally, they were universal energy. And that strange and beautiful thought can open your awareness to an interesting possibility…

Your tensions didn’t start their life intending to be tense. And that is why you can’t cover them over with positive thinking. Trying to cover up the tension merely reinforces the constriction. It validates that those tense thoughts and feelings are essentially bad. But they aren’t bad at all. They are stuck, and your awareness can help them. But that would require your conscious awareness, and you can’t fake that. You can only use your consciousness.

As you explore consciousness, your logical mind will tempt you to compare yourself with others. Your inner critic knows that this will make you judge your so-called imperfections, including your inner tension. To leap over that troublesome crevasse, you realize that the comparisons are all superficial. Here is why…

Your mind assumes that you have to look as calm, cool, and collected as anyone else. But who knows what the inner condition of anyone else actually is? Maybe they are trying to project a cool and collected appearance. You can never really know what anyone’s inner condition is, and this is why comparisons are a waste of your time.

So how do you respond to your criticizing mind when it provokes you with comparisons?

You bring your attention to your inner self, with your vast range of cosmic possibilities, and your tensions as well. You love it all as the lovable you — the self that is already enlightened, and the self that is still finding its way. This full spectrum of self is who you embrace with your consciousness, and when you do that, you become free of the comparisons. You realize that your real self is a vast cosmic spectrum, and is entirely unique and beyond comparisons.

So the next time you find tension, before you try to squelch it or deny it, see it for what it is. It is limited, and so you create unlimited space for it. You could let it expand, until it becomes light like a bubble. You could hold it in cosmic light, until its heavy shadows begin to dissolve. You could love it, so that its feeling of fear and aloneness melts into the embrace of your universal self.

And you can be creative with this self-healing process, because creativity is the essence of the universe. That is why the force that generates the universe is called the Creator. Your soul is made from the universal energy of that Creator, and so your creative approach to tension is a beautifully smooth and elegant response to an age-old challenge.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, the wondrous possibilities that grow within you like a forest of strong, elegant trees will reveal that they have grown in the rich inner soil that you previously called tension. You come to realize that you have everything you need, but you are in a continual process of spiritual evolution. When you let go of the judgments, and bring the nourishing light of your creative consciousness to your inner patterns, you find fertile harvests growing from the vibrant soil of your inner essential nature.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic-Living teleclasses and mp3’s

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If we are in the new age now…

…then why does enlightenment seem so far away?

When you imagine the new age, what images spring up in your mind? Do you imagine conscious, healthy, smiling people? Do they have a look of quiet intelligence, while also being well grounded in their bodies? Do they look radiant and clear eyed, as if they can experience hope, while also utilizing their critical thinking skills? Would the emerging new age world feature signs of peace, well-being, and creative approaches to problems, great and small?

These idealized pictures represent possibilities, and possibilities can help you move forward, because they open a space in your world where your higher ideals might potentially exist in reality. For now, these ideals are symbols, but until you ground them into reality, they are merely notions — castles in the sky that exist to inspire you. And inspiration is a good thing, so honor it for what it is. But on this earth plane, inspiration does not replace reality, because you are actively co-creating the emerging new age reality each day. You are reality-sculpting it into being.

Are you waiting for the new age that features smiles, rainbows, and continuously soothing vibrations? Perhaps you remember these from some of the higher dimensions that your soul experienced in-between lifetimes. Perhaps you still feel the resonance with certain lifetimes, lived in faraway galaxies. Those lessons and experiences, inspiring though they are, reflect the higher dimensions, and though life can be seemingly easier there, your soul incarnated here to learn and develop — and explore the possibilities for manifestation within this earthly dimension.

The higher dimensional lessons that you learned before will serve you here on the earth plane as symbols of what is possible. However, the earth plane, especially at this time, is an excellent laboratory where you can test your lofty theories, and this requires patience. And you will have to re-think, and intuit your way through. Then you will access the feeling that you remember, then refine it, and you will test it yet again. Perhaps this is not quite as smooth as it was on the higher planes, but it is very effective for your spiritual growth.

Let’s explore what the new age of higher vibrations really is. The new age is a set of evolving possibilities for a healthy, balanced, creative, and spiritually attuned world. But what exactly does it look like? This is the answer that you provide, because you are taking responsibility for your contribution. Even if someone else writes an instruction book, it may have some value for you, but it is essentially their instruction book, and you will have to create your own personal new age manual, or at least your own chapter.

You are creating your own definitions of reality each day, expressed through your own living example. You bring this world forth from your essence, introducing it in appropriate ways into your personal and business life. However, there is no definite new age set of rules, and that is why you test and refine when you bring forth your contribution each day.

The new age is not a set of definitions that the universe is imposing upon you. The quickening vibration in our world does reflect vibrational shifts in the universe, but these shifts are simply helping you to become more conscious. Although there is much spiritual potential in this quickening, the universe has no specific agenda about how you will utilize your higher consciousness. The truth lives deep within you, and your truth reveals itself, when you discover it each day, as a gradual process of unfolding.

There is no official commission of the new age that will make you live your life in a certain way. And if such a commission, making such a claim, does appear, they are the shadowy forces masquerading as higher truth. This is because the new age cannot be legislated or imposed. Rather, the new age is something that you choose to bring forth in each moment. The new age is a reflection of how you feel, think, and live in each moment. This emerging consciousness is more a matter of your subtle alignment with the universe, than how you appear to others, or whether you fit into anyone else’s categories.

People are awakening to their spiritual potential at different rates, because each soul has different capacities. The older souls generally have more experience in seeing the possibilities, because their soul has refined itself to resonate with a broader range of energies — vibrations that could exist in the future, but which may not yet exist on the material plane. Your exploration is to find healthy, balanced ways to ground these possibilities into reality.

The younger souls are more likely to be swept up in the limited patterns entrenched on the earth plane. Their task is to open to their higher soul wisdom, without losing their grounding. With an entire population that is collectively awakening, and all at different rates, it is tempting to look for easy answers. There is where deception exists, because every soul is unique, and so the easy answers, intended to magically apply to everyone, are likely to be overly simplistic solutions.

Your task is to expand your possibilities — your older soul aspects — and ground them into your reality as much as possible. You exist on many levels, including your younger soul aspects that have become entrenched in ancient stuck earthly patterns. You are learning to heal and awaken your younger soul aspects so they can gently release their limitations. This is a gradual process, and requires your love and patience, along with a gentle, yet firmly honest awareness of yourself each day. It is daunting task, to be sure, but a worthy one.

So if the clichéd new age images are not actual realities, but are only inspiring symbols, what are you to do with the often-troubling emotions that are surfacing with the rapidly elevating vibrations of this spiritually awakening age? When you understand that the expanding consciousness makes you conscious of many deeper patterns and emotions that have been deeply suppressed in your mind and soul, then you begin to have compassion for yourself. You are feeling more, because you are more aware.

This is why you may often feel more troubled, rather than more enlightened. Do not fear, though, because when you are more conscious, there is a marvelous opportunity for detecting and releasing old patterns. And it is certainly not a reason to indulge in self-judgment. In addition, your expanding awareness can help you discover your divine essence — and integrate with it. This will serve you in addressing the troubled thoughts that are surfacing. The sad, painful, and angry thoughts and feelings have been created over many lifetimes, and they reflect their times and their circumstances.

With your awakening consciousness, you have a chance to notice these inner patterns, to hold them in your love and light, and to share your higher consciousness with them. It is a powerful moment when the conscious part of you — your cosmic soul — extends itself into the parts that have been living reactively, continuously repeating their same ancient sorry song of woe and limitation. In that moment of sharing your love and light with your inner shadowy patterns, the transformative energies of your divine essence go to work, helping to gently dissolve the rough edges of your old patterns.

The healing energies that your soul extends to your limited patterns is shared with an attitude of love and kindness, and not with judgment. Just as you wouldn’t judge a frightened child, so too can you choose to see your stuck patterns as energies temporarily frozen by fear and limited understanding. These patterns need transforming assistance, and not punishment. And this is one of the biggest challenges you face as you spiritually awaken.

It is all too easy, and quite common as you spiritually awaken, to consider that you are going backwards in your development. And yet, in spite of your self-judgment, your awareness is growing and developing in a useful way, because you are sensing more than ever before. And yet, you had assumed that your awakening awareness would bring you peace and happiness. It can, potentially, if your awareness is not judging all you now perceive with your expanded consciousness.

When you let your expanded spiritual consciousness express patience, kindness, and love towards your limited patterns, you have the potential to change them. Spiritual awakening often involves paradoxes — contrary points of view that are both true. One paradox is that your spiritual evolution requires clear recognition of a problem, combined with your attitude of patient loving acceptance. These sound contrary, and they would be, except that they are both united as vital components in your spiritual development.

Your expanding consciousness lets you become more adept at moving forward towards your goals, and while also noticing areas needing improvement — these are focused mental skills. At the same time, you cultivate being in a state of loving acceptance — this is a loving heart skill. This combination of heart and mind helps you become more patient with yourself as you move forward. And you will have many opportunities to practice your patience and love when you consider the people in your world, because they are all working at their own pace, and their pace of awakening is something that is outside of your control.

Here you approach a more grounded definition of the real new age. It is based on a balanced unity of the heart’s loving acceptance, with the mind’s deeper questions and intuitions, united by the soul — your cosmic eternal self. This is not a new age of clichéd symbols, but a way of life that allows you, and others, to examine, to ask questions, to feel, to think and to divinely intuit. When you are stuck in the new age cliché of following your heart, while discarding your mind, you are no wiser than the materialistic realist who follows their logical mind, while discarding their heart and soul.

Have you noticed that the simplistic new age beliefs are based upon what supposedly should be so? People should be loving, people should be happy, and that should be all we need. There is an amusing contradiction here, because when you judge yourself for not being more loving, or when you judge others for this, you are using your critical mind to validate your supposedly loving new age beliefs.

When you recognize that the rosy new age ideas are simplistic, and cannot provide easy solutions, you may feel a sense of loss. This is the disappointment of the childish part of the self that wanted easy solutions. You can help this childish part by holding it in the loving arms of your soul, and sharing patience, love and wisdom with your childlike aspects. Gently bring them into alignment with your deeper soul essence.

What do you do when your critical mind runs away with itself and convinces you that you should be self-critical in a judgmental way, and that you are right to condemn others who are not behaving in the manner that you think they should? When your critical mind tries to judge yourself or others, you can patiently love that part of yourself. You listen, and you learn, but you do not become reactive. You experience the deeper truth that is trying to emerge as it reveals itself.

Patience and love are not replacements for logic and critical thinking, nor is logical mind a replacement for love. They are important yin-yang polarities, each being the needed balance for the other. They work together as a team, each bringing the other to deeper levels of higher awareness and grounded truth. And this is the potential for the new age.

The real new age isn’t a set of happy clichés, nor is it the simplified rationalist cliché of the materialist. The emerging new age is neither polarity, and so it is off the radar for many people. On this earthly plane, heart and mind have been divided, at least until now. No matter — balance exists deep within you. Tap into your essence. Cultivate your heart, mind, and soul, integrated within your body, with every breath you take. It’s not easy, but it’s not difficult, either. Welcome to the real new age.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic-Living teleclasses and mp3’s

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How can you maintain your personal space…

… and find your true self?

Your personal space is an amazing multi-dimensional domain, as miraculous as the universe itself. You are a universe within this greater universe. Within your personal space, you experience the living sensations of your physical body. You explore the infinite realm of your divinely created mind, with its capacity to think, to intuit, to create, and to know. You are nourished by your feelings and emotions, flowing as they do between your body, your mind, and your soul, giving you an experience in each moment of your living multi-dimensional self.

Your personal space is sacred — it is a living temple, a true sacred space in which creation on every level takes place. And yet, when you search within for your own truth, you find layers of beliefs and experiences from which you are making your decisions. Many of these notions have been acquired from other people, from the media, and from the generalized tendencies that have built up within the consciousness of the public. Of course, it is perfectly fine to learn from people, from books, and in any way that you can. The issue is that people and their beliefs are mingled in your space in a way that interferes with your ability to know your own truth.

And then, there is the complex web of beliefs and experiences that you created yourself. Though they may seem to belong to you, many of these patterns are from your own infinitely long history, intricately layered within you. When you examine these thoughts and remembered experiences, and compare them with the light of your own divine truth, you can make new decisions about whether to retain or release these patterns that live within you.

Your personal space truly belongs to you, because your soul was created with its own unique soul imprint. You are the caretaker of that personal space — the space of your body, heart, mind, and soul. When you appreciate that you were created to be a unique being, you become more motivated to discover your true passions, your uniquely true beliefs, because these insights live within your essence.

Your desire to know your true self has evolved within your soul, and the yearning has strengthened throughout lifetime after lifetime, as you were gradually learning and discovering about your divine identity. By contrast, when a soul is younger, it seeks not to express its own truth, but to simply find patterns that are considered by authorities to be true. The younger soul assumes that by parroting these beliefs, one is doing the right thing. Now this may actually be true for the younger soul, because such a soul cannot yet access their own inner cosmic truth.

Your situation is different from the younger soul, simply on the basis that you are choosing to read this, because these concepts are intended for the older soul. And so, I welcome you to this moment in which you honor your deeper nature, and the vast potential within you. Let’s explore how the principle of resonance affects your personal space and your true identity.

Every time you communicate with anyone, or even when you look at someone, whether that person is in front of you, on the phone, or even when you see them on a billboard, you are resonating with that person. Perhaps, not entirely. After all, you know who you are, and you know that you are not that person. So what happens that lets some of that person’s energy resonate within you inappropriately?

When you understand how a tuning fork works, you understand how one person can activate the energy in another person. You hold a tuning fork tuned, for example, to the note C, near a piano. What happens seems magical, but it is just simple physics, because the C note on the piano starts to hum on its own. This is because the C piano string somehow knows that the C tuning fork is the same frequency. But surely, you aren’t just exactly like other people, are you?

What if there were many subtle levels of your own body and mind, and what if within these infinite layers of your complex self there were parts of you that are uncertain of your true identity? This is part of the process of a soul awakening to its own truth — a process all souls go through. Although you know who you are in a general way, there are many levels of self that are not so certain. Why would this be?

The parts of you that have let inappropriate energies into your space are your subconscious aspects that are still holding patterns experienced when you were a younger soul. Don’t judge yourself for this, because although you are generally an older soul, you, like all souls, have aspects of soul that are still learning and awakening. In some cases, past life memories have become stuck in a loop, endlessly repeating the limiting understandings of a negative situation.

When you were a child, you learned in the way that children learn. You copied what was happening around you. When you were younger, you were more impressionable. You let yourself copy patterns, simply because they were compelling, rather than because they were true.

And then there are the powerfully influences of the mass consciousness. This is the collective awareness — or unawareness — of humanity. It is an energy field composed of billions of souls, which, for better or worse, are resonating with you. The mass consciousness is informed generally by its own biases, and by the mass media, which has its own points of view. Your task, as a conscious soul, is to notice when you are in alignment with your truth, and when you have opened to inappropriate resonances from the group mind.

As a sovereign and entirely unique soul, you are free to examine any thought, feeling, or memory. You can look at any influence, either within yourself, or outside of yourself, with the eyes of your divine essence. This may be easier than you suppose. Let yourself imagine that you are seeing with the eyes of your deeper soul essence. Pretend, if you like. Imagine putting on the hat of your higher self, so that for a moment you can let yourself sense your patterns in a fresh way, from a higher perspective. If your logical mind steps in to question the process, tell it that you are just pretending.

When you let yourself pretend with your awareness, you are free to access depths that your logical mind would ordinarily deny. You can see the patterns within yourself with a clearer awareness. And you can see some of the patterns that are from other people. But how do you discern which are from other people, and which ones are truly yours?

When you consider a particular thought or feeling within you, check how it resonates with your soul. Imagine putting on the hat, so to speak, of your deeper soul wisdom. Does the thought or feeling you’re examining feel like the real you? Does it have the ring of deeper truth? Here is what you can do. Imagine that you are letting the suspect thought or feeling waft away like a mist or cloud. Don’t worry about losing something from your true self, because that can’t happen. Let yourself notice the feeling of clarity and refreshing aliveness that happens when you let something go that isn’t really you.

Perhaps the feeling is rather like letting go of some cluttered old stuff around the house. You let it go, and realize that you haven’t lost anything of value. Actually, you have regained your clarity. You can breathe more easily. But what do you do if you find a pattern within that seems to be stuck there?

You can talk to your patterns, thoughts, and energies. You can tell them that they aren’t you. You can tell them that they don’t belong. This isn’t done with judgment or fear. It is just a way of stating the facts or rules of your domain, just as a grounds keeper would  inform visitors in a kind, but firm way, “Don’t walk on the flowers.” There is amazing power in simply stating a rule. It invokes your true power to define your reality. It frees you to state rules, rather than assuming that the energies in your space are in command. They are not in command — they are there through habit, and through your not having noticed them before.

When you realize that you have choice, you have awakened to an important element in maintaining the well-being of your personal sacred space. Your domain is yours. Though you still have much to learn about its nature, and its potential, you certainly have the right to make decisions about your personal space. You can freely release what doesn’t need to be there, just as you have the right to make your own decisions about which paintings to hang on the walls of your home.

The decisions you make about your sacred personal space also involve making decisions about which positive states you choose to cultivate. And you might have assumed that you automatically prefer the happier states, but until you choose them, your subconscious may be stuck in other limited patterns. It takes some practice, as anything does, but you can certainly learn to make choices about your inner state, even if you have been stuck in negative patterns. Let yourself develop this skill gradually. Be kind to yourself, and let it all be a game of discovery.

If you try to clear yourself of cluttered thoughts too quickly, your ego will get involved. This is a tricky thing, because one of the new age traps affecting many awakening souls is their self-judgment of their progress. So even as you are releasing inappropriate influences, don’t make it a preoccupation that becomes obsessive. And likewise, as you choose happier or more peaceful states, don’t make it such a preoccupation that you are judging yourself on how happy you have become. For when you judge these matters, you’re becoming your own troublesome critic, and you risk losing the art of living each day with ease and grace.

The paradox of awareness is that being in grace means forgiving yourself, and treating yourself in a kind and gentle way. Your goal is mindfulness in each moment, and yet your goal is also being kind with yourself. When your mindfulness sours into an overly self-critical exercise, the grace fizzles, and the goals of happiness and ease seem ever distant.

These curious paradoxes in developing your consciousness help you realize that cultivating your consciousness is an art, rather than a strict set of rules. This is a way of life that you rediscover in each moment, every day, as you evolve through this life. There are no set rules, but rather, there are friendly guidelines. For now, notice your breathing, and let your breath gently massage through your body. Let yourself practice making some gentle choices about what you’d like to release, and what you’d like to strengthen within yourself.

These processes can help you rediscover and maintain your sacred personal space. And it is truly a process, since there is no definitive state of perfect clarity, or perfect anything, for that matter. Although there is no perfection, no one-hundred-percent state of enlightenment, you are always free to enjoy exploring these ways of owning your personal space each day.

And when you make some nice discoveries, you can quietly smile. You can breathe into the delightful feeling that your experience has brought to you, knowing that your vibrations bring a subtle uplift to everyone in your world, and even make this universe a better place for everyone. Perhaps their higher selves are sharing a friendly thought with you as you read these words… “Welcome to the sacred space of this moment.”

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living for spiritual empowerment


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Why have you been feeling distracted lately…

…and what does that have to do with the planetary activations?

Could there be a connection between the spiritual planetary activations and a feeling of being distracted? Have you been noticing that it can seem more difficult to focus, more challenging to feel connected or motivated, or have you simply been aware of a generalized feeling of mild confusion, disconnection, or disinterest? When you look at the deeper energy shift that is happening, and recognize how it can affect your consciousness, the reasons for these symptoms become clearer.

When you clairvoyantly explore the trends in the planet’s energy, the underlying planetary vibration can seem to have a dream-like or fantasy quality. The swirling, shifting energies make everything seem less dense, and there is much more space within everything and everyone. Now this doesn’t mean that everyone will see their world this way, and in fact, many people won’t. However, the consciousness shifts can certainly make everything feel very different, even if you don’t quite have the words to explain it.

Consciousness activation sounds wonderful at first, until you realize that you are acclimated to the familiar, slower paced, more stable feeling of the past. When everything was slower and denser, there was less confusion and more certainty. Whether the things everyone was so certain about were actually grounded in deeper truth is debatable, but it was certainly easier to feel more secure about your identity, and about the stability of the reality around you.

So what happens when your consciousness, and the energy that forms your world, expands into an energetic reality that is less dense? What does it feel like when you notice the moment-by-moment subtle shifting that is characteristic of consciousness itself?

Consciousness shifts instantaneously, and that can be a wonderful thing, if you’re ready for it. However, there are many levels of your consciousness that are still living in the world that you remember from the past, because even in the relatively recent past, everything was slower and denser. And that begins to explain the feeling of being distracted…

When the denser world was more stable, you could take the time you needed to comprehend it. Now the feeling is as if the world beneath your feet is shifting. Even the space between your thoughts is shifting. But how do you address this? Do you have to learn entirely new skills of awareness?

You don’t have to learn entirely new skills, but you do need to make greater use of the consciousness skills that you have begun to develop. You especially benefit when you cultivate your focus, your patience, your centering, and your ability to shift and release energy. Not that the universe is subjecting you to a test. The universe is not trying to test you, to harass you, or to make you do anything in particular.

The universe is awakening spiritually, and you, being an important element of that very same universe, are awakening spiritually as well. So if you’re becoming more aware in your consciousness, and if that is something that you have co-created, why would you be distracted? Shouldn’t increased awareness make you more focused and centered?

Why is your need to practice mindfulness in each moment greater than ever before? Remember, it’s not because you’re being tested, but the challenges result from your being in a world that is now responding to the subtle shifts of consciousness much more quickly. This means that there is a feeling that everything, even your own body and mind, are shifting in each moment.

This feeling is real, because the shifts are actually happening. But just because there are ever present subtle shifts, this doesn’t have to lead to the distracted state. And yet, until you recognize that the shifts are happening, and become familiar with them, your logical mind will attempt to track reality at the speed of the past. This is what leads to the distracted feeling.

Your logical mind is trying to make sense of an expanding spectrum of vibrations that is manifesting within all levels of this world. This expansion can more easily be understood with the higher functions of your intuitive heart and your intuitive mind. However, your logical mind can not string together the parts of the shifting energies. It would be like your trying to understand a jig-saw puzzle, if those puzzle pieces were strewn on the floor.

Only the higher aspects of the self can comprehend what the jig-saw puzzle is really about. And as you listen to the wisdom within, you find that at that deep inner level, the jig-saw puzzle has already been put together, though perhaps in a new creative way.

If the world is not going to stand still in the slow and dense way that it did before, how can you remain centered amidst this shift? Even though the shifts are escalating, bringing about changes within you, and all around you, there is a timeless stable reality available for you as well. It has always been there. This is the inner world of your divine timeless soul.

This is a bit of a mystery for many people, because they are very referenced to their logical mind’s overwhelmed state. This makes them forget their timeless inner soul’s presence. Or perhaps they have only rarely accessed their soul’s deeper wisdom. This puts them at a disadvantage in making sense of the shifting energies.

Even in the midst of planetary expansion and awakening, you can always choose to sense your world through the lens of your cosmic soul presence. And when you do that, you start to realize how much everything has energetically shifted.

And yet, this realization that the world — and everyone in it — has already significantly shifted energetically, may be too confronting for many people. And so they feel distracted and overwhelmed, but they are not yet able or willing to recognize what is happening to the underlying energetic structure of their body, mind, and soul.

Here are some ways that you can approach the consciousness shifts with ease and grace…

When you feel distracted, disconnected, bored, dull, or overwhelmed, you are probably reacting to the world around you. The world around you was never really the ultimate source of interest and enjoyment for you, though you may have been taught that it was. That is what you thought in the past, because you had not cultivated your deep soul reference point. You didn’t realize that the fascination and focus is within you.

So now, with the consciousness shifts, you begin to sense that the world is what it is; the outer world can not make you interested, and it can not make you fascinated or focused. But there is hope, because if you, yourself, could be more spiritually integrated, the world would be so much more fascinating and meaningful to you. A paradox, but what are you to do?

Bring your attention within.

Now this brings up the two aspects of your self that are vital for your success in this adventure. There is that part of you that is actively participating in this process as you read these words, and that part is the conscious mind. Then there is the deeper level of awareness deep within you, and that part has been known as the sub-conscious self, the super-conscious self, the soul, and at the deepest levels, the higher self. And all these deeper parts of you need to be united with your conscious mind, because there is a wonderful symbiotic relationship between the conscious and the deeper aspects of your self.

Your deeper cosmic aspects have the brilliant capacities that allow you to unite all the shifting realities in a centered way, because the deeper levels of self contain all the potentials of the universe within you. A bit astounding to consider, but please let yourself indulge in this possibility for a moment. When the conscious mind is unaware of the inner potentials of the deep self, the conscious mind can become overly influenced by the shifting energies all around you, without understanding the deeper meaning of everything that is happening in your world. And although the deeper soul wisdom within you understands much, there is little that the deeper self can do without the conscious mind to co-create with it. What is the solution?

The spiritual relationship between your conscious mind and your deeper soul essence helps you access what you need, in each moment, so that you can negotiate the planetary shifts with ease and grace.

Begin to notice your inner self as an energy presence.

Let yourself see and feel it however you choose to — just use your imagination. Sense the flow between your conscious self and the inner soul presence. It’s ok if at first you believe that you’re just making it up. That’s how you learn. But what do you do if you sense within yourself, and you notice only distraction, confusion, or dullness?

These layers of distraction will shift and release when you bring them to your awareness, in a non-judgmental way. Feel the flow between your conscious mind and your inner self. As you do this, the unconscious energies that have been trapped will start to shift, to move, and eventually to release from your body and aura. As you continue to explore, you will find that you can access the deeper layers of your radiant soul within. You can activate this process by imagining the light of your soul shining forth from deep within you, so that your soul lights your aura and your environment. And this experience may lead to a realization…

When you begin to reference your inner soul energy, you begin to recognize that the planetary shifts are less confusing, and actually make sense. This is because any structure that has not been centered in a deeper truth is shifting, so that it can rebuild itself based on a deeper cosmic core of truth. For example, certain aspects of the banking industry have been based upon deception, and thus have been disconnected from a deeper reality.

This is not to say that banks are bad, but that they have been generally ungrounded, being disconnected from a deeper spiritual core or truth. And so, as the consciousness shifts happen, banks will evolve and change in a healthy direction. And this means that the world is not disintegrating, because it is actually shifting into alignment with a deeper cosmic reality. The empowering message here is that the deeper reality is easily accessed within your very own self, and it is always there for you in each moment.

– When you want to know what is real, go within to your soul essence.

– When you want to know where the fascination and delight is, go within.

– When you want to know where you can be comforted, assisted, guided, and given the deep sense of alignment that you know you need, go within.

– When you look around you, and find yourself feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or bored, quietly go within, integrate with the presence there, and look at your world again with a deeper knowing.

Feel the flow between your conscious self and your inner cosmic light. This is your primary relationship. It will always be there for you, amidst all shifting realities. And when you look at the world, and you recognize that much of it is not grounded in a deeper reality, you will not be dismayed. You will not be distracted or confused. You will just see it, without judgment, and you will recognize what it is.

In the same moment that you recognize what is happening in much of the outer world, you will also recognize, by its contrast, that the deeper level of soul essence, which is known when you engage with your inner cosmic self, is quietly providing you with the inner voice of truth. This is the voice that frees you from confusion, and lets you make empowering choices, and supports you in following those choices as you move forward, guided by your inner cosmic soul, each day.

This inner knowing may be a voice, a feeling, a light, or a generalized, yet quite meaningful sense that you just somehow know that you know. It is real. It is there for you, within. These aspects of you, in conversation together, can co-create the world you seek, in ways great and small, each moment of every day. And your co-creative resonance within naturally harmonizes with other appropriate people, who appear in your reality to further co-create this awakening world.

I thank you for incarnating as the self that you are, so that you could experience these realizations in this moment. And I thank you for igniting the deeper radiance within your self, because even as you read these words, your divine integrated presence is uplifting the world in a wondrously subtle, and yet quite tangible way.

Many Blessings

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living for spiritual empowerment

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Is it worthwhile to imagine your preferred future…

… given all the challenges in the world?

This week, I have noticed increasing fragmentation, and a somewhat stunned or overwhelmed vibration in many people’s auras. This seems to result from reading too much news, and taking it in too deeply. Some so-called realists insist that their emotional and mental condition must be defined by the news. However, the news is a collection of pictures, words, and feelings that have been packaged to tell a powerful story. You might prefer to tell the story in a different way. When you let the newsmaker’s typically narrow and gloomy story into the interior world of your own heart, mind, and soul, you are giving your power away. When you begin to choose your own thoughts about yourself and your reality, you take your power back.

But why choose your own reality, amidst a world that seems to be presenting only problems and offering many limitations? You can think of your consciously made choices as vibrations. Why vibrations? Because everything in the universe follows the laws of resonance. You’re familiar with how a struck tuning fork, held near a piano, causes the corresponding string that has the same note as the tuning fork to spontaneously make a sound. That’s resonance, and it is the basic principle that affects everything in the universe. And that includes you, your thoughts, and your reality.

Why should the nay-sayers define your future, when they have no understanding of resonance? If they believe that the outside world is forcing them into a limited future, they are entitled to believe that. Maybe it’s ok for them to be stuck in a narrow world, but you have the right to align with the energy of your preferred vibration. When you understand resonance, you realize that it is not naïve at all to choose your thoughts, to choose your future, and to choose your state of consciousness. But wouldn’t making such choices be a denial of reality?

It may look naïve when you actively choose to align with a reality, and you move towards that reality, at least from the point of view of others who lack an understanding of resonance. They assume, from what they believe is a reasonable point of view, that everything outside of them is making them be a certain way. They see you making new choices, and they assume that you just don’t understand, or that you are denying reality, or that you are hopelessly naïve. And in a curious way, you are all these things, but not in the way that they suppose.

When you choose your state of consciousness, and choose where to focus your attention, you are following a higher principle. Not higher in the sense of better, but higher in the sense of following the essential method utilized by the creator of the universe. When you are guided by your intuitive mind and by your soul, you are using a more divinely aligned form of resonance. This is because your intuitive mind and your soul essence are living expressions of the creative force that actually created the universe. And so your willingness to create and choose your reality expresses a cosmic principle that is closer to universal truth.

But then, if you are using the example of the creator and the creation, wouldn’t it be just as natural to let yourself be brought into a lower condition by world conditions and beliefs? Wouldn’t that be a natural example of resonance, too? Perhaps it would be, if you were a pebble on the side of the road, because a pebble is not capable of the creative thought that you are capable of. Pebbles have been given a lesser capacity than you, and so you don’t have to be guided by their example. Unless, of course, you are learning about stillness, and this is a perfect example of when it actually would be wise to be inspired by the example of a pebble.

The person who does not make conscious choices, but who meekly accepts that the outer world must define their reality, is not guided by their higher divine aspects of self. They are stuck in a lower quality expression of resonance, because they passively fall into resonance with the narrow options presented by news and by well-meaning, but similarly limited friends. Though otherwise intelligent, many well-intentioned people are afraid to create their own state of consciousness. They have been led to believe that it would be uncompassionate to do so, or they may fear that if they let the media’s version of reality go, they will find themselves adrift, as if floating outside of the comforting solidity of the well-accepted, victim-oriented world view.

So what can you do about a feeling of fragmentation or confusion? Isn’t that a natural response to modern situations of this modern world? Fragmentation and confusion represent instinctive responses to overwhelming stimuli. So don’t blame yourself if you find yourself in these unpleasant states. Do know, however, that you do have choice about whether you get stuck there, because you can choose to use your consciousness in a more effective way. This higher way is the conscious choice response. Examine how this works, because this is something you can do…

When you took the news into your heart and mind, did you realize that you could release it from your heart and mind as well? Did you think that you had to keep the energy of that news story in your personal space? When you release the energy, you are simply releasing the emotions and pictures from your body and aura that have been holding you in a helpless condition. This sounds strange at first, because the idea that you can release the energy of something that influenced you sounds either mystical or silly, but here’s how to do it…

Understand that everything is basically energy. This is the key to understanding much of metaphysics and spiritual healing. Look at the news stories, and the popular beliefs that you allowed into your personal space. You allowed their energy into your body, heart, mind, and soul. This practice of observing what you’ve let in helps you separate the content of the news, the story, from its basic existence as energy. When you know that you let some energy into your personal space, you can more easily choose to let it out again. Here’s how to do this…

Imagine — just pretend — that the energy of the news that you allowed into your heart and mind is now wafting out of you like a wispy cloud. Why a wispy cloud? You know that clouds are light, and they change their shape easily. You’ve seen how clouds flow gracefully across the sky, and eventually dissolve into nothingness. And that is what you want, because you want to be able to change the shape of something that you let into yourself. You want to be able to let it shift easily, and dissolve easily.

Ah, but the realists say, just because you dissolved that energy from yourself, that doesn’t make it vanish from the world. Quite true. But you’ve released the lower vibration influence from one person, and that person happens to be you. And here you see how the law of resonance comes into this, because when you have released a bit of negativity, or the so-called news that is no longer in your personal space, you have created a clearer personal environment from which you more easily create the world that you prefer. Why are these distinctions so important?

The world that you choose to manifest is likely a better world than the gloomy one that you had let into yourself. However, even this idea of releasing vibrations perturbs some people, because they still insist that by releasing the energy of disturbing news, you are failing to have compassion for the world, and are failing to recognize problems. Here is where they are misguided…

When you are able to access the vibration of your preferred reality, you are creating a better world, starting with the level of pure vibrations. And when you do this, you are no longer a victim, but an empowered being who is making a difference — for yourself, and for everyone. Because when you clear your heart and mind of external chaos, you are holding positive resonance for the kind of balanced and healthy world that you seek. And whether people who regard themselves as realists understand this or not, you are truly making a difference through that higher quality resonance, and through the good that such higher quality vibrations tend to cultivate.

This inner energy shift may look like a subtle shift. And it is. But subtle is still real. And real shifts accumulate. So it’s ok for you to release energy, and to consciously choose where your attention is focused. Whatever anyone else may think about it, you are utilizing higher principles of resonance for a positive purpose that creates good for yourself and others. And in spite of whatever the news presents as “what is happening,” your positive resonance may be one of the more healthy things that you can do to lift the world into a better condition. You won’t lose your mind, and you won’t lose your connection with reality, but your higher resonance will make it easier for everyone to function more easily and effectively. Know that your choice in these matters is helping to co-create heaven on earth, by resonating it into being in this very moment.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

P.S. You can explore these concepts described here more thoroughly here, and here. For more articles, see here.


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Where does your soul live…

… and why does it matter?

How can you spare even a moment to explore your own soul, amidst the busyness of day-to-day life? After all, the details of making a living, taking care of loved ones, and dealing with all the matters of daily life seem to take up so much attention. Just what, briefly, are the vital basics about your soul that you really need to know?

Your soul is so vast that its infinite nature seems a bit much to grasp. After all, what can you say about a cosmic being — your soul — that exists as a multi-dimensional energy field within you, and exists as well throughout the universe? The aspect of your soul that lives within you has always been there, and recognizing that fact might prompt you stop for a moment and consider…

If your soul has always been there for you, that suggests that it has been there throughout all time. And when you consider this, you recognize an open expanse of cosmic time that you now have access to. Certainly, it is vaster than this present moment. Your soul has existed, and is forever experiencing, learning, and developing over that vast stretch of time.

How could your soul also exist throughout the universe? Let’s have a look at the universe. I understand that this is easy to say, and more challenging to do. Let’s just say that as far as you can gaze into the night sky, and way beyond that, is an infinite universe of incalculable size. Could the subtle presence of your individual soul truly exist throughout such vastness?

Your soul is linked with your body in this time-space, and yet your soul also exists as an infinite presence. And this seems to be contradictory, so just let yourself relax with this realization. Your individual soul knows the universe well, because your soul is actually a unique expression of the universe. And you can be humble with this understanding about yourself, because everyone else is a unique expression of the universe as well…

And so we all exist as distinct beings, and we all also exist as the entire universe. If your logical mind finds that a bit much, that’s ok. When you access these deeper matters of your soul through meditation and contemplation, the understandings manifest for you as a subtle felt sense that transcends words.

If your soul exists as the universe, does that make you somehow the same as everyone else? Not at all, because even the universal aspect of your soul is still a completely unique expression of the entire universe, and every other person is also a unique expression of the entire universe. And so, paradoxically, we are all different individuals, and yet we are all united as co-creators of the one creation.

How could your soul express through your body, while also existing throughout the universe? Your soul has a special resonance with your body, and here is the wondrous paradox: To understand the vast universe, you bring your awareness deep into your own physical body. The deeper you bring your consciousness within your body, the more a cosmic mystery is revealed…

Your discovery is that the deeper you go within, the more deeply you experience your soul. How could your soul, vast as the universe, be realized within your body? And how could the experience and feeling of timelessness, characteristic of the infinite universe, be discovered within the time-bound linear world of your physical body? Are you ready for the answers? They are to be found within your multi-dimensional sensing self…

Meditate – contemplate – relax into it – breathe into it… Don’t try to seize the understanding with your logical mind — just let yourself sense who and what you are. And let yourself discover, within these next few precious seconds of time, something about your soul. And let your soul share its timeless, yet simple presence with you. Your soul knows all about you — it is you, in fact — and knowing all about you, your soul loves you all the more.

Know that your soul is your best friend, and much more, and so you can invite your soul to share with you. Your infinite soul shares gifts that are beyond price, and sweeter to your heart than anything you have ever tasted. May the delights and cosmic embraces you share with your soul inspire you in these seemingly brief, and yet infinitely meaningful moments.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living for spiritual empowerment

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With humanity going through so many challenges…

… what can you really do to make a difference?

Are you concerned about the state of the world? Do you wonder what you can do to help humanity? Or does the prospect of making a difference seem overwhelming? Let’s take a moment to explore a fresh approach…

When you sense the accumulated energy of humanity, does it seem chaotic, confused, or just plain negative? Of course it does, at least on the surface. And without denying any of the problems, let’s look at some solutions — vibrational solutions — choices in consciousness which you can make, if you let yourself.

Everything has a spectrum of vibrations — a broad range of energies. The negative range sometimes seems to be the most noticeable, and finding the serenity can seem impossible, as if it wasn’t there at all. In fact, the inner peace is there, but seemingly hidden. But what benefit could there be, even if you could detect the hidden inner peace vibrations? Let’s explore this possibility…

Here is the key to making a difference for people, and for yourself. When you scan the energies of humanity, you will notice, at first, the broader and seemingly chaotic part of humanity’s frequency spectrum. However, know that this chaos is actually a smaller part of humanity’s energy spectrum. Use your imagination to let yourself sense below the surface of reality. Let yourself tune into the clearer, brighter part of humanity’s vibrational spectrum. You then realize that the brighter energies had been there all the time. But why would your noticing this happier vibration actually make a difference?

A secret of consciousness is that when you bring your attention to something, it becomes stronger. It is reinforced through the natural power that consciousness has, and through your coming into relationship with what you’re bringing your attention to. And in terms of yourself, when you bring your attention to the healthier and brighter parts of humanity’s vibrational spectrum, you strengthen those positive aspects of yourself as well. And you are allowed and encouraged to do just that.

But does this mean that you must deny the real problems? Not at all… This technique invites you to participate in a simple expansion of your consciousness. You are now choosing to include the positive range of the spectrum in your awareness, and that means that you can feel a resonance with the solutions to problems. And you are sensing your relationship or resonance with those positive possibilities. At first it will seem that it is fleeting, or that perhaps you are imagining it. This is ok.

This simple, yet profound perceptual shift lets you look at a problem, and discover a solution, even if you hadn’t seen one before. This is because sometimes the way to start finding solutions is to get a sense, even if it seems that you’re making it up, that a solution can exist. And when you tap into that possibility, you are opening up an energy doorway that resonates with that possibility.

Just take a moment, here and there throughout the day, to find the positive range in the spectrum of humanity. And feel your relationship with that positive energy. You just raised your vibration — made a subtle shift in your reality, and you did a good thing for the planet as well. Yes, it’s subtle. But deeply meaningful, because you gently reinforced a positive trend that uplifts everyone, and you have brought yourself into alignment with the world of positive possibilities.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living teleclasses and mp3’s

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